Friday, April 29, 2016

Adventurers' Club Newsletter May - Aug 2016



Newsletter: May to August, 2016

Topic & Presenter

Thursday May 19

Wailana Coffee House
Armchair Flying Between the Islands
Brian Daniel
Wendla Liljestrand (808) 554-9639

Thursday June 16

Wailana Coffee House
The Amazing Amazon Ed Carus, Jr.
John Smith (808) 396-3583/(808) 384-0460

Thursday July 21

Outrigger Canoe Club
Around the Hawaiian Islands in 1934
DeSoto Brown
Teena Urban (808) 946-3551

Thursday August 18

Outrigger Canoe Club
China X Two! Philip Blackman
Renate Ryan at
 r enater yan @h otm ail.c om  (808) 926-6226

Adventurers’ Club members/guests may only book a reservation via our reservationists.
** If making reservations via e-mail, please include the words:  Adventurers Club Meeting and Meeting Date
If leaving a message or sending an email, please include your phone number. If unable to reach listed reservationist, please call Erika Wyrtki at 949-2229


     Having read Lowell’s draft which discusses up-coming venues & programs, I have nothing more to add other than a ‘thank you’ to a hard working board and a ‘thank you’ particularly to Ralph and Lowell. As you know we have had venue challenges lately as food prices and requirements for numbers of attendees increase. Ralph has worked tirelessly to find satisfactory alternatives and, as you will see in this newsletter, has done so.  Likewise, Lowell continues to find exceptional speakers.  Again, no point in repeating the details in the newsletter, other than to say we have some interesting evenings ahead. So, thank you to the board, and especially to Ralph and Lowell. Without venues and programs there would be no Adventurers’ Club. We look forward to seeing you at future meetings.     Thanks, Bob Liljestrand, President


For the first two programs, we will be using a brand-new venue (at least for the Club)  and for the last two, we’ll return to an old favorite of many members.
In May and June we’re at the Wailana Coffee House in Waikiki. It’s been in business for nearly 50 years and those of you who’ve eaten here know that this 24-hour restaurant is well known for its homestyle good food with good service and reasonable prices.
      In July and August we’re at the Outrigger Canoe Club, in Waikiki. This elegant and beautiful private club overlooks the ocean, Diamond Head and Waikiki, and its ambience is unsurpassed. Parking is in their building or on the street
     Finding nice venues with good food and service, reasonable prices and all the other requirements we have (bar service, accessibility, parking, private meeting space, etc.) is challenging. Costs keep going up everywhere and we’re doing our best to keep them reasonable for you. 
      Director and past president Ralph Sprague has worked very hard to scout places and negotiate the “best deal” possible. A big MAHALO to him!  So come and enjoy! ….and bring a guest!

May 19, 2016: Armchair Flying Between the Islands
By Member:  Brian Daniel
Join us for an aerial adventure in Hawai`i! Brian Daniel will present an evening of still and video photography from nearly two decades of flying around O`ahu and to and from all of our neighbor islands in a home-built gyro plane and a plans-built Breezy airplane.
Brian says, "For me, building and flying my own aircraft is the ultimate thrill. It has science, beauty, and adventure. Some aviators like to go fast and get there as quick as possible, some like to fly upside down, for me flying is looking at the ground. Both of these flying machines are perfect for aerial photography, with almost unlimited visibility and they both fly relatively slowly."
Come and see some incredible and breathtaking scenery as you've never seen it before!


6:30 pm
Wailana Coffee House - 1860 Ala Moana Blvd
Parking is available in the lower level of the building with validation.
Enter from Ena Road


6:45 pm
A full buffet with three entree selections plus full salad bar, choice of starch, choice of beverage, hot vegetables and dessert for $25
Prefer payment by check 
7:30 pm


Wendla Liljestrand, or (808) 554-9639
RSVP by:  Thursday, May 12
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed

June 16, 2016:  The Amazing Amazon
By Member: Ed Carus Jr.
Be amazed at one of the natural wonders of the world! The Amazon River is unique in so many different ways that it is difficult to compare it to the major rivers in Asia, Africa, Europe and North American. In 1994, Ed and Pinkie were invited to join a small group of members and naturalists from the American Museum of Natural History in New York. They embarked on the 60- passenger M/V Polaris in Manaus, Brazil, some 900 miles from the mouth of the Amazon. They disembarked 1,000 miles further upstream at Iquitos, Peru, near the eastern foothills of the Andes Mountains. Ed says, “traveling from the largest to the second larg- est city on the river was a special and exciting adventure!”

Join us for this program as they visit isolated Indian villages and explore remote bayous and slews, while still enjoying the comforts of ship board living.


6:30 pm
Wailana Coffee House - 1860 Ala Moana Blvd
Parking is available in the lower level of the building with validation.
Enter from Ena Road


6:45 pm
A full buffet with three entree selections plus full salad bar, choice of starch, choice of beverage, hot vegetables and dessert for $25
Prefer payment by check.
7:30 pm


John Smith,, (808) 396-3583/384-0460
RSVP by:  Thursday, June 9
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed

July 21, 2016: Around the Hawaiian Islands in 1934
By Guest: DeSoto Brown
Step back eighty-two years and see what Hawai`i and life in the Islands was like! We’ll screen four rare color and sound travelogues on O`ahu, Maui, Kauai and the Big Island, made for the Hawaii Tourist Bureau in 1934. See low-rise Waikiki, quiet down- town Honolulu, the “new” road around Koko Head, rice fields on Kaua`i, a drive on the newly-opened road to Haleakala’s summit, and many more places and things long gone but fondly remembered!
These fascinating films are among the earliest surviving color and sound films of Hawai`i – and rarer still as they were originally on fragile and volatile nitrate film stock. DeSoto Brown, the Historian at Bishop Museum and well-known local author and collector, will talk about the films history and significance, why they were made and where they were shown, and program chair Lowell Angell will relate how they were almost destroyed, how he acquired them in 1963 and kept them in his Manoa family home’s basement for 30 years before donating them to the museum.
Don’t miss the chance to see these glimpses of the Hawai`i of yesterday!
6:00 pm
Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Avenue, Free parking in club lot


6:45 pm
Cobb Salad: Chopped Crisp Greens, Tomato, Turkey, Egg, Avocado, Bacon = $20 Beef Stew: Classic Beef Stew, Sweet Potato Crisp, Steamed Rice  = $22
Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds = $26 1/2 Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds  = $20
Prefer payment by check 
7:30 pm
Teena Urban,, (808) 946-3551
RSVP: Thursday, July 14
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed

August 18, 2016: China X Two!
By Member: Philip Blackman
         Make it a point to come and enjoy Philip‘s “double-header!” As he relates it, “The Peoples Republic of China and the Republic of China are not equals in size, but my trips to each 5 years apart share equally in the tales of my adventure! The timing of my 2010 visit to PRC was so as not miss the Shanghai Expo which, after 6 months, was about to close and was still attracting up to a million visitors a day! I was fortunate to have friends to stay with in Beijing and will share images from our tours there and at the Great Wall. Last year, I spent one month in Taiwan. I explored city life by car, scooter, and subway in the capital city of Taipei. By train

        I explored the northern half of the island. Included were multiple visits to Buddhist schools and temples where guests were few and the generosity of the grounds keepers in improvising closer looks was fortuitous. I joined as the only American with hundreds of high energy, low-age Chinese on a splashing good river rafting/crashing all day river trip in a country sporting the title of "having the most mountains over 3000 meters of any country in the world”."

          When Philip was growing up, he recalls that “we had a local radio show about Hawai`i which I listened to and I intrigued peers into believing that Queen Liliuokalani had hidden crown jewels in the forest by our house during Hawai`i's revolution!“ Years lat- er, while at MIT, he was contracted by artist Otto Piene to work on the light sculpture, “The Sun," that hangs in Hawai`i's state capitol building. In 1971, he had a five day layover in Hawai`i after an Army tour in Vietnam, and made his home here a month later. Hawai`i has been a gateway for him to visit more than 35 countries!
6:00 pm
Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Avenue, Free parking in club lot


6:45 pm
Cobb Salad: Chopped Crisp Greens, Tomato, Turkey, Egg, Avocado, Bacon = $20 Beef Stew: Classic Beef Stew, Sweet Potato Crisp, Steamed Rice  = $22
Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds = $26 1/2 Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds  = $20
Prefer payment by check
7:30 pm


Renate Ryan,,, (808) 926-6226
RSVP: Thursday, August 11
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed

Spread the word about the Adventurers' Club!  Tell your friends about us and our programs, or consider inviting them as a guest to future programs!

For Adventurers’ Club Information Visit: 

Know of a good future speaker or program (maybe yourself!)?
Tell our Program Chair Lowell Angell about it.

Email him at  angell @ haw aii .edu .


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