July to September 2022 Newsletter

NOTE: Sept 14, Wednesday is new Sep date......and will be at Waikiki Yacht Club
Aloha Adventurers’ Thank you all for attending our second quarter meetings, with two new venues. As often happens, when we try someplace new there are unexpected issues, which we have addressed with the locations. As a result of feedback from our April meeting at the Hawaii Kai Golf Course, they have purchased a new microphone which should improve the sound quality and we talked to them about substitutions that were made to the menu and have been promised that won’t happen again. We hope you will give them another try, because the facility, the parking and the view are really good! If you need directions, please ask Lowell when you make your reservations.
At our May meeting, I made a plea for help and several members offered to give programs, a couple offered to take reservations and one member offered to help on the Board. Thank you to everyone who volunteered.
Lowell Angell and I will soon be seeking members to serve on the Board or as an officer next year since we will have several vacancies. If you are interested, please let us know in the next couple of months.
Finally, since lots of us are traveling again, I have been asked to restart sharing about our travel experiences. So starting with the July meeting, we will invite members to tell us about their travels in 2-3 minutes, just where you went and a couple of highlights. We want to make it possible for everyone to participate who would like to.
Generally, we will do this between the introduction of guests and dinner, but it depends on how the dinner service is going, and could be moved to later in the evening.
Yours in Adventure, Carolyn Gire, Club President
1. When paying for meals, checks are preferred, or exact change if it is cash. We do not take charge cards for meals and do not carry change.
2. Charge cards may be used for drinks only at designated locations. Please refer to the newsletter for details. Mahalo for your Kokua!
1. Adventurers' Club guests MUST be booked by a Club member via that month’s reservationist.
2. There is a $5 surcharge for any guests NOT Adventurer’s Club full members.
3. When emailing your reservations, please include "ADV CLUB RSVP" as the subject and include a phone number.
4. The reservationist will email (or telephone) a confirmation of your RSVP. If you don’t receive a confirmation, please email/telephone AGAIN. If you get no response or are unable to contact the listed reservationist, please email Carolyn Gire at
5. To insure fairness to all members and to our reservationists, RSVPs will only be accepted beginning the FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH (unless otherwise specified) for that month’s program (e.g. July 1, August 1, etc.)
6. Once you have given your entree choice, it IS NOT POSSIBLE to change it. Please kokua!
7. Payment by check is preferred, payable to "Adventurers' Club of Honolulu" or EXACT CHANGE.
8. Late cancellations and no-shows will be billed.
Thursday, July 21, 2022 - “Ports of Spain and Gibraltar"
by member, Ed Carus Hawaii Kai Golf Course
Ed will take us on a voyage through the western Mediterranean, touching upon at least three of Spain’s fifteen major ports. He’ll also take the armchair traveler to Majorca and Ibiza. Spanish ports have played a major role in the development and growth of the country. They are independently operated under different port authorities but are centrally managed by the Ports of the State, which is a government-owned company responsible for the execution of policies. It is known regionally as Puertos del Estado.
Ed Carus, a frequent speaker for the club, will take us on a journey to the ports of Spain: Majorca, Minorca, Barcelona—and, as an added bonus, Gibraltar. His talk is illustrated with a video of his journey. Ed Carus is the author of Sixty Year Behind the Mast (Newman Springs Publishing, 2021), an autobiographical account of his life as a captain and sailor.
5:45 pm Location 5:45 pm Hawaii Kai Golf Course—8902 Kalanianaʻole Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96825
Free parking lot on site
6:30 pm DINNER (menu) Payment by check preferred payable to Adventurers’ Club of Honolulu or Exact Change if cash
1. Stuffed salmon with spinach, tomatoes, onion, balsamic, white rice = $43
2. Chicken Marsala with string beans and sweet potatoes, white rice = $38
3. Sautéed Vegetables (eggplant, string beans, carrots, asparagus) with fried Tofu cubes = $33
All entrees served with a Caesar salad first course.
No host cocktails available for purchase , cash or charge.
7:15 pm PROGRAM
RSVP -- Lowell Angell, or (808) 988-2098 (email preferred)
RSVP by: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 (Late cancellations and no shows will be billed)
Thurs, August 18, 2022 “Polar Bear Safari ”
by members David & Carolyn Gire VIA ZOOM
Last fall, Carolyn and David were looking for a replacement for a cancelled trip to Europe, with the criteria that it be closer to home and require less effort to comply with pandemic restrictions. The result was a trip to see polar bears. The Seal River Heritage Lodge is located on the edge of Hudson Bay in Manitoba, Canada, and is noted for its polar bear (fall/spring) and beluga whale (summer) sightings. Hear about how to safely walk near polar bears and see what it’s like to be in a remote lodge with only 25 other people, including guests and staff.
Carolyn and David are both retired and enjoy planning and taking trips around the world. They have visited all 7 continents, more than 50 countries and are slowing working towards their goal of 50 states.
6:50 pm Location Zoom Login & Testing
7:00 pm (approximately) Program via ZOOM
RSVP Contact Info Carolyn Gire, (email preferred) or (808) 377-9628
RSVP by: Sunday, August 14, 2022
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 — “African Forest Elephants ” by guest Amelia Meier
LOCATION Waikiki Yacht Club
Amelia is a return presenter who wowed us with her tales of adventure living with the Ba'Aka forest people. This time, Dr. Meier will talk about what it took to track and study African forest elephants through the tropical forests of Gabon in western Africa. It is the smallest of the elephant species and is threatened by habitat loss, fragmentation, and poaching.
Dr. Meier grew up in San Diego. Always loving travel, her first Africa centered adventure was moving to Ivory Coast in 2012. Since then she has spent the majority of her time living in West or Central Africa. She received her PhD from Duke University for research on forest elephant social dynamics in Gabon and moved to Hawaii in 2021 to spend time at the University of Hawaii to figure out how we can use satellites to monitor coral reef health around the world.
6:00 pm Location Waikiki Yacht Club
6:30 pm Dinner
Payment by check preferred payable to Adventurers’ Club of Honolulu or Exact cash
7:15 pm (approximately) Program
RSVP Pat Moore, or (808) 778-7514
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