Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Adventurers' Club of Honolulu Newsletter - Jan - Mar 2021


ADVENTURERS' CLUB OF HONOLULU                                JAN-MAR 2021


Hello Adventurers!

It certainly has been an unusual year that none of us saw coming. We have had to adjust to on-line meetings, being unable to meet in person, or even to travel much. We have unhappily cancelled long-anticipated trips, chased refunds, rebooked to travel later, and then even later. At the same time, we recognize that there are many people who are worse off than we are.

Thanks to everyone who submitted pictures for our travel quiz, to Donna Wendt for her help in putting the quiz together, and to everyone who participated. It was just for fun, there were some beautiful pictures and it was interesting to see different parts of the world and realize how many places there are still to visit.

We will continue to meet via Zoom for the first quarter. I know it isn’t the preference for all our members, but current case counts and test positivity rates restrict event capacity. However, the Club has made reservations from March forward at our usual venues, hoping that having vaccines available will improve the situation sufficiently that we can meet in person sooner rather than later! Please check the reminder email sent on the first of each month for confirmation of the location and reservation instructions.

Finally, it’s time to send in your 2021 dues. As you will see elsewhere in this newsletter, current members will see a reduced amount due. Your Board considered the reduced expenses of meeting virtually, balanced with the need to keep an adequate reserve in case of pandemic-related increases going forward, and decided on a one-time “loyalty reward” for sticking with us during this time. We hope it will help us keep you.

Aloha, Carolyn Gire, President

January 21,    Zoom "Pre Covid Trip through Scotland & England"        by guests, Chloe Chapman & Adam Bradford      


It’s time to renew your Club membership. Please complete the attached 2021 Renewal Form and send it to Nira Cooray at 1703 Paula Drive, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816, no later than February 15, 2021.

Please note any changes in your contact information. If there are no changes, please write “NO CHANGES” across it & also return the form to Janet, along with your check payable to The Adventurers’ Club of Honolulu. Reduced 2021 dues for renewing members are $15 for single regular resident members; $25 for spouse/partner couple regular resident members & $25 for non-resident [outside Oahu] members (new member dues will remain at the 2020 levels.) Please renew promptly! Mahalo!


We are pleased to present the Club’s new officers and directors for the year ending Dec. 31, 2021:

 President: Carolyn Gire

 1st Vice President and Program Chair: Bill Chapman

 2nd Vice President and Membership Chair: Nira Cooray

 Secretary: Gretchen Arnemann

 Treasurer: Judy Simon

 At-Large Director: Janet Miller

 At-Large Director: Lori Alexander

 Immediate Past President: Lowell Angell

For the year ending Dec. 31, 2022:

 At-Large Director and Assistant Treasurer: Bill Arnemann

 At-Large Director: Jim Harwood


1. RSVPs are accepted from the 1st of the month until the Sunday before the meeting. You will receive a confirmation email.

2. The link to sign on to the meeting is sent on Monday morning, to the email address you used to RSVP. Please check to make sure you have received it and contact Carolyn if you don’t get it via email

3. Guests are welcome to online meetings at no charge, but all guests musts be reserved by a member. When you RSVP for your guest, please provide their name and whether they will view with you or separately.

4. Finally, did you know that the identifier that shows on Zoom is the name you use to set up your device? For most of us, it’s our name or something like Carolyn’s iPad. But sometimes it’s something like Tutu’s iPhone or someone else’s name. This makes it difficult for the host to identify you, and in the interests of making our calls secure while admitting our members and guests, please let Carolyn know if you or your guest have a “secret identity”.


Member Don Laird passed away in Honolulu on November 14, age 82. Don joined the Adventurers’ Club in 1998 as member #470.

Born and raised in Michigan, he did his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He earned a PhD in Political Science, focusing on international relations, and was the recipient of a U.S. Foreign Language Scholarship to study the Indonesian-Malay language.

Don taught at universities in Michigan, then in the Philippines on a Fulbright-Hays Visiting Professorship, before moving to Washington DC, where he worked in international programs for the Office of the Chief of the Naval Operations, the National Science Foundation, the General Accounting Office, and the Department of the Army. In 1981, he came to Hawaii with the Army's international program of exchanges and exercises with more than 40 Asian-Pacific countries, and was able to travel widely in this position, from Madagascar to Korea to Australia.


January Meeting - 1/21/2021, 
via Zoom

Trip through Scotland and England

 Chole Chapman & Adam Bradford

Guests Chloe Chapman and Adam Bradford will describe their  “Pre-Covid New Year’s Trip through Scotland and England”.  Chloe and Adam will take you on a trip through Scotland and England that they made in December 2019 and January 2020.  Highlights include the New Year festivities in Scotland, an exploration of  Roman Britain, including a walk along Hadrian’s Wall, and a visit to Stonehenge. 

ZOOM  6:50 pm  Zoom Login and Testing
PROGRAM  7:00 pm  (Approximately)


February 18, 2021 — by members David & Carolyn Gire
                               “Epic Antarctica ”                               

When ACH members Carolyn and David Gire started planning their bucket list trip to Antarctica they were told “go for as long as you can, on the smallest ship you can, and don’t miss South Georgia.” They will talk about the resulting month-long trip in early 2020, visiting Argentina, the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Their presentation will feature abundant wildlife, beautiful scenery and a massive tabular iceberg, A68a, which has recently been in the news.
     Carolyn and David are both retired and like to spend their time planning and taking trips, pandemics permitting. They have visited more than 50 countries, all seven continents and are working on the 50 states.
6:50 pm  Zoom Login and Testing
PROGRAM  7:00 pm  (Approximately)
RSVP EMAIL    CONTACT  Please send your reservations to
Carolyn Gire at by February 14, 2021



        March 18, 2021 — by guest Kydd Pollack
“A Virtual Snorkel and Adventure Tour of Palmyra ”
     Have you ever dreamed of visiting a remote uninhabited tropical isle? Join Kydd Pollock, The Nature Con-servancy’s Fisheries Science Manager, for a virtual snorkel and adventure tour of Palmyra Atoll. Located 1,000 miles south of Oahu, Palmyra is one of the world’s last great, wild places and a beacon of hope for conservation, adaptation, and resilience. On the tour you’ll see some of the marine wildlife that makes Palmyra special in a pristine environment that TNC is working hard to protect.
       Kydd Pollock is the Fisheries Science Manager, TNC Hawaii and Palmyra. Kydd is an experienced diver, with research interests in reefs and their populations. In 2010, he had a much-publicized encounter with a grey reef shark!

6:50 pm   Zoom Login and Testing
PROGRAM  7:00 pm  (Approximately)
RSVP EMAIL  CONTACT  Please send your reservations to
Carolyn Gire at by March 14, 2021


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