Thursday, April 27, 2017


Topic and Presenter
Contact (email preferred)

Thursday May 18
Outrigger Canoe Club
Hulu Lehua: The Royal Cloak and Helmet of Kalaniʻōpuʻu and its Return to Hawaii Noelle Kahanu
John Smith (808) 384-0460 (c)

May 11
Thursday Jun 15
Maple Garden
Gemstone Hunting in Afghanistan: Recent Expeditions
Gary Bowersox
Pat Moore (808) 778-7514 (c)
June 8

Thursday July 20
Outrigger Canoe Club
Living the Expat Life for a Year in Nanjing, China: Memoirs of a Fulbright Awardee Diane Perushek
Brigitte Visser (808) 389-6171

July 13
Thursday Aug 17
Zippy’s Vineyard
Angkor: from Imagination to Excavation
Miriam Stark
Carolyn Gire (808) 377-9628 (h)
Aug 10
Adventurers’ Club guests MUST have an ACH member book their reservation via our reservationists.
If making reservations via e-mail, please put “ADV CLUB RSVP” as the subject. If leaving a message or sending an email, please include your phone number. If unable to reach listed reservationist, please call Renate Ryan at 203-9141.
Payment by check preferred made payable to Adventurers' Club of Honolulu.

For Adventurers’ Club Information Visit:

Greetings Fellow Adventurers:


We have another exciting four months of programs, thanks to our 1st VP/Program Chair, Bill Chapman -- Hawaii, Afghanistan, China, and Cambodia! Plan now to attend and enjoy these tales of adventure, and the fellowship of other members. Traveling and the love of travel and adventure unites us in a common bond. Perhaps you feel as I do that if I can't be traveling myself, the next best thing is to hear of someone else's experiences!
Continued thanks to all who support the Club, whether as a member attending programs, or a dedicated director or volunteer. We couldn't exist without you! Perhaps you have a friend or colleague who would enjoy the Club? If so, please invite them to a meeting and to join!
In closing, one of my favorite travel quotations is one universally (but incorrectly) attributed to St. Augustine, "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." Even if he never actually wrote it, the sentiment is still an excellent one today. Here's to all of us reading more pages! I hope to see you soon!
Aloha,  Lowell Angell, President
1)   If RSVP’ing by email: PLEASE NOTE “ADV CLUB RSVP” as the subject. Our reservationists prefer email RSVP’s.
2)       Outrigger Canoe Club Update: PLEASE NOTE: The club has changed the dining and program seating configuration and seating is now limited. Our reservationist will take a waitlist once we have reached the maximum number and those on the waitlist will be ad- vised if space becomes available. IM PO RTANT: To in sur e fa irness to a ll me mb ers a n d o ur v o lunteer reserv a tio nist, RSVP’sWIL L O NL Y B E ACC EPT ED B E GINN IN G TH E FIR ST DAY O F TH E M O NTH fo r that mo nth' s pro g ra m. (e.g., begin- ning May 1st for the May 18th program). REM INDER: CO FFEE AND TE A ARE N O T INC LUD ED WI TH YO UR M EAL . Tickets must be purchased with cash upon check-in from our reservationist, along with tickets for beer, wine, mixed drinks and soft drinks.

3)       Reminder: For each meeting, once you have called in your RSVP and given your entrée choice, it is NOT possible to change it later, including the evening of the program. The entrée selection counts are called in to the restaurant following the RSVP deadline and they prepare only that number of each entree. This ensures faster and easier service and is part of the agreement we make with the restaurant, so PLEASE KOKUA!


May 18th: 
Hulu Lehua:  The Royal Cloak; Helmet of Kalaniʻōpuʻu; its Return to Hawai‘i 
By Guest: Noelle Kahanu
Noelle will be discussing the return to Hawai‘i of the feathered cloak given by Kalaniʻōpuʻu, aliʻi nui of Hawaiʻi Island to Captain James Cook at Kealakekua Bay in 1779. Through a partnership with National Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Noelle and representatives of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Bishop Museum agreed to place the cloak on display at the Bishop Museum for an indefinite period. She will tell of the cloak’s exciting journey.

Noelle Kahanu is an Assistant Specialist in Public Humanities and Native Hawai‘i Programs at the Department of American Stud- ies, UH Mānoa. She holds a BA in Political Science and a JD from the University of Hawai`i. She is a past legislative assistant to Senator Daniel Inouye and coauthor of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). Noelle served as Curator, Project Manager, and Community Affairs Director at Bishop Museum.

Location          6:00 pm    Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Avenue, Free parking in club lot
Menu: Include order with RSVP.
Payment by check preferred payable to Adventurers' Club of Honolulu. 
1)   Cobb Salad: Chopped Crisp Greens, Tomato, Turkey, Egg, Avocado, Bacon = 
2)  Beef Stew: Classic Beef Stew, Sweet Potato Crisp, Steamed Rice = $24
Dinner            6:45 pm      3) Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds  = $31
                                                 4) 1/2 Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds = $24
Reminder: Coffee/Tea not included with your meal. Drink tickets must be purchased with cash upon check-in along with beer, wine, mixed drinks and soft drinks.
            Program            7:30 pm    (Approximately)
RSVP by: Thursday, May 11, 2017 to John Smith  Do not call in reservations before MAY 1st.
                  Email preferred: or (808) 384-0460 ©.
                 Please note ADV CLUB RS VP” as subject line. 

(P LEASE NOTE:  The dining and program seating configuration has changed and seating is 
limited. A waitlist will be taken if we are full.) Refer to 1st page for additional information.
                                            Late cancellations and no shows will be billed.

June 15th: Gemstone Hunting in Afghanistan: Recent Expeditions By Member: Gary Bowersox

Gary W. Bowersox, “The Gem Hunter,” will tell stories and show pictures of his forty-six years of hunting for gemstones such as emeralds, rubies, tourmaline, aquamarines, lapis and other gems in the mountains of Afghanistan. He will discuss recent develop- ments there. (He will be in Afghanistan again in April just before his  talk.)

Gary Bowersox is a former US Army major. He has been in the gem-hunting business since graduating with an MBA from UH Manoa, following a stint as a gem shop owner. The author of “The Gem Hunter” and of the definitive work on the gemstones of Afghanistan, he is presently an importer, exporter, and wholesaler of gems from throughout the world. He is a National Fellow of the Explorers Club of  New York.
                                                                   Maple Garden, 909 Isenberg Street
Location           6:00 pm          Parking available in the restaurant lot, on-street, or free at the Frist Hawaiian Bank at  Isenberg and King.

Presentation at the Maple Garden Restaurant, by Gary Bowersox

Some of Gary's gems 

July 20th: Living the Expat Life for a Year in Nanjing, China:
Memoirs of a Fulbright Awardee
By Guest: Diane Perushek
Diane will tell of her year as a Fulbright Senior Research Fellow at Nanjing University and Hong Kong in 2011-2012, and of her earlier experience in Japan and Taiwan on a Fulbright-Hays Grant. Her talk will highlight the challenges of life in a Chinese city and her work with faculty and students. She will also highlight the work of the Fulbright program and its value to American diplomacy.

Diane Perushek is the recently retired Director of Global Relations, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and former Acting Director of the Center for Chinese Studies, UHM. For five years she was the University Librarian. She has degrees from the University of Michigan, Columbia University, and Princeton, in Asian Studies, Library Science, Chinese and Japanese literature. Her specialty is the literature of the Ming and Qing Periods.
Location         6:00 pm                   Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Avenue, Free parking in club lot
Menu: Include order with RSVP.
Payment by check preferred payable to Adventurers' Club of Honolulu.
1)    Cobb Salad: Chopped Crisp Greens, Tomato, Turkey, Egg, Avocado, Bacon = $20
2)    Beef Stew: Classic Beef Stew, Sweet Potato Crisp, Steamed Rice = $24
Dinner           6:45 pm      3) Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds  = $31                                                     4) 1/2 Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds = $24
Reminder: Coffee/Tea not included with your meal. Drink tickets must be purchased with cash upon check-in along with beer, wine, mixed  and soft drinks.

Program           7:30 pm      (Approximately)
                         RSVP by: Thursday, July 13, 2017 to Brigitte Visser 
                               Email preferred: or (808) 389-6171
                                 Please note ADV CLUB RS VP” as subject line

      (P LEASE NOTE:  The dining and pro- gram  seating configuration has changed and 

         seating is limited. A waitlist will be taken if we are full.) 
                                    Refer to 1st page for additional information.
                                         Late cancellations and no shows will be billed.


August 17th: Angkor: from Imagination to Excavation 
By Guest: Miriam Stark

Miriam will discuss her many years’ work in Cambodia, beginning with excavations at Angkor Borei in 1994. She has since conducted important excavations at Angkor, including Angkor Wat, as part of a new effort to understand the full complexity of the site in its heyday, the 12th and 13th centuries. Her talk will draw from recent field programs held at Angkor.
 Miriam Stark is a Professor with the Department of Anthropology at University of Hawai’i at Manoa.
 She holds degrees from the University of Arizona (Ph.D.) and the University of Michigan. She currently co-directs the Lower Mekong Archaeological Project and the Greater Angkor Project;. She is also a Partner Investigator
 with the  Khmer Production and Exchange Project. Her publications include An Archaeology of Asia and Cultural 
Transmission and Material Culture: Breaking Down Boundaries.

Location          6:00 pm                             Zippy's, 59 N. Vineyard Blvd, corner of Maunakea Street
Free parking in Zippy’s lot or adjacent Diamond Head lot once chain is down (about 5:30 pm)


6:45 pm
Menu: Please include entrée and choices with RSVP. Payment by check preferred.
(Entrees include salad, choice of mashed potato, brown or white rice*)
1)  New York Steak (specify how you want it cooked and indicate starch*) - $25.00
2)  Grilled Salmon (please indicate starch*) - $21.50
3)  Chicken Katsu (please indicate starch*) - $20.50
4)  Chef’s Salad & Soup greens, ham, turkey, cheddar, egg, tomato - $21.00
**All entrees include roll and small dessert and choice of tea, coffee or decaf**
Beer -Wine available for purchase = $3 to $6
7:30 pm


RSVP by: Thursday, August 10, 2017 to Carolyn Gire Email preferred: or (808) 377-9628 Please note ADV CLUB RS VP” as subject line.
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed.

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