Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Adv Club Programs Jan- Apr 2011

Newsletter: January to April, 2012

2012—Year of the Dragon


It has been a real honor and pleasure to serve as your president for the past year. Thank you for your support and attendance at the meetings. We are planning a special event for late March or April to Coconut Island. More information will be coming.
Ralph Sprague will be your new president for the 2012 year. Please give him your support.
Thank you ,  Gretchen Neal

Five new members were approved by the Board during 2011. We welcome you all and look forward to seeing you at the Club monthly meetings.
Thank you to all who helped recruit new members.
Joy Ashton
I am looking forward to serving as President of the Adventurer's Club next year. It is shaping up to
be an exciting year. Our Program Chair has arranged a strong and fascinating program that will take us on a world tour, including places like Venezuela with the highest waterfall in the world, the Silk Road, Africa, Britain, and Kyoto Japan.  In exchange for the privilege of enjoying these excellent programs, your assignment is to bring in new members. Talk to your friends about the programs and the fellowship we all enjoy. Then follow up to bring them to a meeting and sponsor them as members.  This is clearly a good example of "the more the merrier."
Ralph Sprague
RESERVATIONS:  Adventurers’ Club members/guests may only book a reservation via our reservationists.  If unable to reach listed reservationist, please call Erika Wyrtki at 949-2229.  If making reservations via e-mail please include the words:  "Adventurers' Club Meeting" and the meeting date
Thursday -April 19, 2012
Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Ave.
U.S. National Parks - in the West

                                   by guest Larry Loose

The theme of this 'adventure' is US National Parks we visited in 2011. Mesa Verde, Needles, Capital Reef, Bryce, Zion, North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Yellowstone. Plus some smaller ones and a bit on the roads we took to get between them. States these are in include Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. We spent about a week in each of these parks and have a few thousand pictures... These are just a few to give you a taste of them. If you have not visited these parks, we encourage you go begin soon! A week in each park just begins to let you see their beauty! We were there in August and September of last year. We travelled in our 27' RV - Ikaika - and our tow vehicle - a RAV4 - the Green Ghost.

--Cocktails: 6 pm                       Free parking in the club's parking garage
--Dinner: 6:45 pm
Menu Choices:
Portuguese Bean Soup; Salad ......$19
Cobb Salad …………………….......$20
Grilled Pizza "Margarita".............$22
Kiawe Smoked Fish & Chips..$22
OCC Mahi Mahi ………………..… .$27
1/2 OCC Mahi Mahi.......................$20
Coffee by Token
--Program: 7:30 pm (approximately)
--Reservations: Contact:  Erika Wyrtki at 949-2229
Deadline: Tuesday, April 17,  2012.         Late cancellations and no shows will be billed.


POSTPONED UNTIL LATER THIS YEAR........................
Silk Road Part II
by guest  Fred MacKenzie

In part I of The Silk Road, Fred spoke to us regarding the road traveled by Marco Polo along the most important trade route in the Middle Ages. We vicariously traveled with him and his wife through Bukhara, and Samarkand to Tashkent in Uzbekistan. Following that we were taken with him to Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan where we stopped at the Torugart Pass at 12,310 feet in the mountains separating Kyrgyzstan from China. This is where we will take up our trip. Fred will discuss Kashgar also known as Kashi in the Xinjiang Uygar autonomous region of China. His travels will take us eastward across the Takla Maklan and Gobo deserts to Xi’an where he visited the nearby “Terracotta Soldiers”. He ended his trip in Beijing, China.  Fred’s discussions of his personal forays are fascinating and informative as well as scholarly.
Thursday -March 15, 2012
Tree Tops Restaurant - Paradise Park, Manoa
3737 Manoa Road
Around the World ...
with Barbara Dove and Bill Beadle

Bill Beadle and Barbara are boaters and own a 32 foot Grand Banks motor boat and a 30 foot trimaran. They met on a boating anchor watch in Hanalei Bay in 1998. Subsequently, they were married on Bellows Beach in 2002. After setting up their own itinerary and planning on line to make an adventurous trip around the world to celebrate Barbara’s retirement, Bill and Barbara traveled over 35,000 miles in five months from September, 2010 to February, 2011. Both Bill and Barbara are divers and golfers enjoying the good life! On their trip they did a number of diving expeditions. They went to 38 countries, flew 20 flights, had dozens of train and boat rides, and traveled thousands of miles in cars and motor homes all planned by themselves. It was quite a good life experience!
--Free parking in the restaurant's lot

--Cocktails: 6 pm Wine available on cash basis—$3.00
--Dinner: 6:45 pm - Buffet $22 all you can eat with coffee/tea
--Program: 7:30 pm (approximately)
--Reservations: Contact: Lily Narimasu at 394-2891 or email LNarimasu@gci.net
Deadline: Tuesday March 13, 2012. Late cancellations and no shows will be billed.

Thursday - February 16, 2012
Outrigger Canoe Club 2509 Kalakaua Ave.
The U. S. Action in Guadacanal, 1942
by Member  Edward Carus
Ed Carus reports the famous military action protecting Guadalcanal and its freedom in 1941. Following the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941 on Pearl Harbor, intelligence of the Navy reported that the Japanese were constructing a military air field on Guadalcanal at the southern end of the Solomon Islands. This had the threat of disrupting the U.S. supply route to Australia. In spite of the fact that most of the war effort was happening in the European theatre, Navy Admiral Nimitz and his staff felt that it was important for Allies to keep this airport out of Japanese control. With most money and material going to Europe and very limited resources in the Pacific, Marines landed on Guadalcanal on August 7, 1942. For five months, the situation was dangerous and treacherous with the outcome hanging in the balance. The Australian and New Zealand coast watchers who hid in the dense jungles on Japanese occupied islands played an essential role in the critical “Battle for Guadalcanal.”  Ed wrote and produced this amazing film which included film from the National Archives.

               Thursday - January 19, 2012
    Outrigger Canoe Club  -   2509 Kalakaua Ave.
                                  by Member  Donna Wendt
Donna Wendt gave a well received presentation about a trip to Venezuela, which is currently the land of dwindling American tourists because of politics and criminal dangers. After a brief stay in Caracas, she spent time in Maturin, then traveled to the Orinoco River Delta, lodging in the swamps and visited a local river family. She continued on by car and private plane to Canaima National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site visiting the multiple waterfalls at a base camp on the lagoon. Walking under Sapo Falls, Donna had an unforgettable, risky and wet time. She traveled up rivers and through rapids in a motorized dugout canoe to an isolated primitive base camp. From the camp she hiked to the base of Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the world that tumbles down 3,300 feet from a giant “tupuy” or butte. Returning to the camp after nightfall, the dark, rain, and jungle were a out of her comfort zone. You may have seen the animated movie “Up” in which the tall mountain tupuies and Angel Falls were highlighted.

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