Sunday, June 3, 2018

Adventurers' Club Honolulu Meetings May-Aug 2018

NOTE:   June Meeting is at Maple Garden, NOT Zippy's

               Hello Adventurers!
  Summer is just around the corner, and many of us will be off traveling – some to new destinations, some to favorite places, or visiting friends and family. Keep the Club in mind as you travel and take lots of photos, then consider presenting a program! We always enjoy hearing from our members and seeing your travels!
  We have another round of diverse and exciting programs – Nepal, Mauna Kea, the Great Barrier Reef, and Alaska and the Pacific Northwest! We do hope you will come and enjoy them and the fellowship of other members!
Lowell Angell, President

We are pleased to welcome the following 6 new members to the Club! Please introduce yourself to them when you see them at a meeting.
1) Hans Van Tilburg; Sponsor Bill Chapman. (member #698)
2) Brigitte Visser; Sponsor Murray Visser. (member #699)
3) Niranjala (Nira) Cooray; Sponsor Bede Cooray. (member #700)
4) Liane Iaukea; Sponsor Lesley Iaukea. (member #701)
5) Maria Da Silva; Sponsor Bill Chapman. (member #702)
6) Simon Bussiere; Sponsor Bill Chapman. (member #703)


1. Adventurers' Club guests MUST be booked by a Club member via that month’s reservationist.
2. There is a $5 surcharge for any guests NOT Adventurer’s Club full members.
3. When emailing your reservations, put "ADV CLUB RSVP" as subject. Please include your phone
number when emailing or telephoning RSVPs.
4. The reservationist will email (or telephone) a confirmation of your RSVP. If you don’t receive a
confirmation, email/telephone AGAIN. If you get no response or are unable to contact the listed
reservationist, please call Renate Ryan at 808 926-6226.
5. To insure fairness to all members and to our reservationists, RSVPs will only be accepted
beginning the FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH for that month’s program.
6. Once you have given your entree choice, it IS NOT POSSIBLE to change it. Please kokua!
7. Payment by check is preferred, payable to "Adventurers' Club of Honolulu."
8. Late cancellations and no-shows will be billed.


BEYOND THE REEF -  We were sorry to learn of the passing of JOHN MICHALSKI  (member #577, 2007) on February 12th.   Our sincere condolences to his family.

Our volunteer reservationists work very hard in taking your RSVP’s, tallying and conveying the
reservation count to the venue, then checking you in and, at the Outrigger Canoe Club, selling drink
scrip. To enable them to enjoy their dinner and the program, PLEASE PURCHASE ALL YOUR DRINK SCRIP BEFORE WE ARE SEATED FOR DINNER. In fairness to them, no drink scrip will be sold after everyone is seated. A “Last Call” warning will be given for scrip purchase. Mahalo!
                                 Spread the word about the Adventurers' Club!
Tell your friends about us and our programs, or consider inviting them as a guest to future programs!
For Adventurers’ Club Information Visit:

                                                         May 17, 2018
A Year in Nepal, 1978-1979: A Country on the Cusp from Medieval to Modern”            By guest John B. Hall

Nepal has been on a long, slow journey into the 20th and now the 21st century. Our speaker will relate his experiences and observations in this fascinating country while he was on a Fulbright sabbatical there in the late 1970s. John B. Hall is an emeritus professor of Microbiology at UH Manoa. He earned his Ph.D from UC Berkeley and taught at UH for 30 years. Besides Nepal, he has had sabbaticals in New Zealand, Turkey and Belize, the last two also on Fulbright grants. John is an avid hiker and a member of the Hawaiian Trail and Mountain Club for more than 50 years. His book, A Hiker’s Guide to Trailside Plants in Hawai`i, is in its 3rd printing. Dr. Hall spoke to the Club in 2015 on “Walking through Tsavo” in Africa.

                       Location    6:00 pm  Maple Garden, 909 Isenberg Street
Parking available in the restaurant lot, on-street, or free at First Hawaiian Bank on Isenberg & King Street
                                  June 21, 2018
"A Year on Mars: Architecture and Design for Other Worlds"
                  By guest Tristan Bassingthwaighte

The presentation will cover the speaker’s experience with the HI-SEAS habitat on Mauna Kea, part of Mission IV of NASA's program to test long-term isolation for a future trip to Mars.
Dr. Tristan Bassingthwaight is an architectural designer in Honolulu. He is a recent graduate of the University of Hawaii's D. Arch program and holds a B.S. in Environmental Design from UH Manoa. He also attended Tongji University in Shanghai for a year on a study abroad program, where he focused on human habitation in extreme environments.
     Location    6:00 pm  Maple Garden, 909 Isenberg Street
Parking available in the restaurant lot, on-street, or free at First Hawaiian Bank on Isenberg & King Street

 July 19, 2018
“The Great Barrier Reef is Still Great”

By guest Susan Scott
A recent headline announced that “97 percent of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is Dead,” a statement based on studies of sections of the reef. For the last three years, however, Susan has been intermittently sailing the Great Barrier Reef on her sailboat, Honu, and found it very much alive. She will talk about the science and politics in Australia regarding its world heritage reef as she shows photos of the extraordinary marine life she has encountered. A former registered nurse, Susan earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from the UH and is a graduate of the University’s Marine Option Program. She has written a weekly column, “Ocean Watch,” for the Honolulu Star-Advertiser since 1987, and has written nine books about nature in Hawai`i.

  6:00 pm   Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Avenue, Free parking in club lot
                             Program     7:30 pm  (Approximately)


August 16, 2018
"Lost in the Bush: 61 degrees North and 70 Years Back"

By guest Lance Walters
Our speaker will present his travel adventures flying single-engine planes around Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. A third-generation pilot, he grew up flying in remote Alaskan wilderness and around the US and Canada. He has built and restored planes with his father and currently flies a 1949 Aeronca Sedan and Cessna 180. Lance is an architect and Assistant Professor of Design at UH Manoa and holds degrees from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard and from Montana State University
     6:00 pm   Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Avenue, Free parking in club lot



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