~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ September 21st: Guam Saipan and Tinian:
Newsletter: September to December, 2017
Date Location Topic and Presenter Contact (email preferred) Deadline Thursday Sept 21 Maple Garden Guam Saipan and Tinian: Travel through the Battlefields of World War IIDr. Jeff Tripp Jackie Sprague jackies@hawaii.rr.com 808-379-5660 ThursdaySept 14 Thursday Oct 19 Outrigger Canoe Club NEW: Voyaging on the Hokule'a ... New Ways of Seeing for Hawaii'i's Youth by Lesley Kehaunani Iaukea Ruth LimtiacoEmail Preferred ThursdayOct 12 Thursday Nov 16 Outrigger Canoe Club Cultural Tourism in Northern Thailand: Hill Tribes and ElephantsMary Mostafanezhad Renate Ryan renateryan@hotmail.com 808-926-6226 ThursdayNov 9 Thursday Dec 7 Zippy’s Vineyard Holiday Program and Members-Only Photo ContestDonna Wendt Erika Wyrtki wyrtki@hawaiiantel.net 808-949-2229 ThursdayNov 30 Adventurers’ Club guests MUST have an ACH member book their reservation via our reservationists.If making reservations via e-mail, please put “ADV CLUB RSVP” as the subject. If leaving a message or sending an email, please include your phone number. If unable to reach listed reservationist, please call Renate Ryan at 203-9141.Payment by check preferred made payable to Adventurers' Club of Honolulu.PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
Greetings Fellow Members!It's hard to believe we’re heading into the "home stretch" of another year! I hope you're enjoying your travel adventures, whether active or "arm-chair." Please consider presenting a program on your travels! It's great to hear from our own members on where they've been!We have another schedule of exciting programs in store for you, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Bill Chapman, our 1st VP and Program Chair. Do plan to join us for one or more of them, and consider bringing a guest and prospective member. The continued success of our club depends on each of us!Aloha, Lowell Angell, PresidentFEATURED IN THIS NEWSLETTER…
MEET OUR NEWEST MEMBER! A warm welcome to LESLEY KEHAUNANI IAUKEA. A true adventurer, she is a member of the Polynesian Voyaging Society and has sailed aboard the Hokule'a. Lesley was sponsored by Bill Chapman, our 1st VP and Program Chair. Take a moment at a meeting and introduce yourself to Lesley! Please add her contact information to your roster:
P.O. Box 161156, Honolulu, HI 96816; Cell phone: 808 219-5157; Email: liaukea@hawaii.edu; Member #696.
- BEYOND THE REEF: We are saddened by the death of RALPH SPRAGUE, a member of the Club since 2003, who passed away in April, 2017. Ralph served as a director and was president several times. Our sincere condolences to his wife Jackie, who has also been a longtime Club member and officer, and to his family. He will be missed.
- DECEMBER MEMBER PHOTO CONTEST! If you' ve attended our December meeting the last few years, you know how much fun the Member Photo Contest is, seeing your fellow members best travel photos and with prizes galore! PLAN NOW to enter some of your own! The submission deadline is Thursday, November 16, 2017. See the entry details in the December program announcement. DON'T BE LEFT OUT!
- If RSVP’ing by email: PLEASE NOTE “ADV CLUB RSVP” as the subject. Our reservationists prefer email RSVP’s.
- Outrigger Canoe Club Update: PLEASE NOTE: The club has changed the dining and program seating configuration and seating is now limited. Our reservationist will take a waitlist once we have reached the maximum number and those on the waitlist will be advised if space becomes available. IMPORTANT: To insure fairness to all members and our volunteer reservationist, RSVP’s WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED BEGINNING THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH for that month's program. (e.g., beginning May 1st for the May 18th program). REMINDER: COFFEE AND TEA ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEAL. Tickets must be purchased with cash upon check-in from reservationist, same for beer, wine, mixed drinks and soft drinks.
- Reminder: For each meeting, once you have called in your RSVP and given your entrée choice, it is NOT possible to change it later, including the evening of the program. The entrée selections are called in to the restaurant following the RSVP deadline and they prepare only that number of each entree. This ensures faster, easier service and is part of the agreement we make with the restaurant, so PLEASE KOKUA!
Travel through the Battlefields of World War II
By Guest: Dr. Jeff Tripp
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Jeff Tripp |
Dr. Tripp will talk about his years of fieldwork in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands focusing on the several important battlefields there. He is Acting Assistant Professor in the Department of American Studies and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His dissertation was on the DMZ in Korea. He is a past speaker for the Adventurers' Club
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Replica of the two atomic bombs loaded at Tinian 1945 |
Maple Garden, 909 Isenberg Street
Parking available in the restaurant lot, on-street, or free at the Frist Hawaiian Bank at Isenberg and King.
Payment by check preferred payable to Adventurers’ Club of Honolulu.
Gourmet Chinese Buffet with more than 20 items including: cold ginger chicken, garlic shrimp, honey spareribs, spicy eggplant, mixed vegetables, kung pao chicken, steamed fish fillet, beef broccoli, soup, noodles, and dessert = $25
RSVP by: Thursday, September 14, 2017 to Jackie Sprague EMAIL PREFERRED: jackies@hawaii.rr.com or (808) 379-5660Please note “ADV CLUB RSVP” as subject line.
RSVP by: Thursday, September 14, 2017 to Jackie Sprague EMAIL PREFERRED: jackies@hawaii.rr.com or (808) 379-5660Please note “ADV CLUB RSVP” as subject line.
October 19th: Voyaging on the Houlea: New Ways of Seeing for Hawai'i's Youth
By Member: Lesley Kehaunani Iaukea
Lesley is a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies from UHM. She holds a B.A. in Geography from UHM and a master's in Pacific Islands Studies. She has also been a crew member of the Hokulea.
Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Avenue, Free parking in club lot
RSVP by: Thursday, October 12, 2017 to Ruth Limtiaco EMAIL STRONGLY PREFERRED: ruth@TLCPR.com or (808) 395-3451
Please note “ADV CLUB RSVP” as subject line. (PLEASE NOTE: The dining and pro- gram seating configuration has changed and seating is limited. A waitlist will be taken if we are full.)
Refer to 1st page for additional information.
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed.
November 16th: Cultural Tourism in Northern Thailand:
Hill Tribes and Elephants
By Guest: MaryMostafanezhad
Outrigger Canoe Club - 2509 Kalakaua Avenue, Free parking in club lot
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Speaker: Mary Mostafanezhad |
Menu: Include order with RSVP.
Payment by check preferred payable to Adventurers' Club of Honolulu.
1) Cobb Salad: Chopped Crisp Greens, Tomato, Turkey, Egg, Avocado, Bacon =$20
2) Beef Stew: Classic Beef Stew, Sweet Potato Crisp, Steamed Rice = $24
2) Beef Stew: Classic Beef Stew, Sweet Potato Crisp, Steamed Rice = $24
3) Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds = $31
4) 1/2 Mahi Mahi: Traditional preparation, spring vegetables, toasted almonds = $24
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DECEMBER 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
December 7th (NOTE SPECIAL DATE):
RSVP by: Thursday, November 9, 2017 to Renate Ryan EMAIL PREFERRED: renateryan@hotmail.com or (808) 926-6226
Please note “ADV CLUB RSVP” as subject line. (PLEASE NOTE: The dining and pro- gram seating configuration has changed and seating is limited. A waitlist will be taken if we are full.) Refer to 1st page for additional information.
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DECEMBER 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Holiday Program and Members-Only Photo Contest -
Must be Present
By Member: Donna Wendt
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Donna Wendt |
Thursday, November 16th to Donwen@aol.com including where they were taken and the year, giving numbers for the photos as well as their captions. JPG format is best, but other formats such as TIFF can be used. She suggests that you can also send photos as email attachments or in the body of an email. Contact Donna if you have questions and/or problems and she will help you out. Please do not send the same ones you sent previously.
Please plan to be in attendance to speak a sentence or two about each picture you submit. There will be prizes!!

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Free parking in Zippy’s lot or adjacent Diamond Head lot once chain is down (about 5:30 pm)
RSVP by: Thursday, November 30, 2017 to Erika Wyrtki EMAIL PREFERRED: wyrtki@hawaiiantel.net or (808) 949-2229 Please note “ADV CLUB RSVP” as subject line.
Spread the word about the Adventurers' Club!
Tell your friends about us and our programs, and consider inviting them as a guest to future programs!For Adventurers’ Club Information Visit: http://adventurersclubhonolulu.blogspot.com/ Know of a good future speaker or program (maybe yourself!)?
Tell our 1st Vice-President/Program Chair, Bill Chapman about it.Email him at: wchapman@hawaii.edu
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