(click to enlarge calendar)
NOTE: The program of June 18th is changed to “The Scariest Place in the World: Travels in North Korea and the Demilitarized Zone” by Jeffrey Tripp, Ph.D. - see below
The challenge of finding
satisfactory venues continues. Although open for lunch, Treetops is not yet hosting
dinner meetings. Pagoda
has closed its restaurant for dinner
but will open for banquets
so we will be meeting
there and Waialae in the next quarter. Lowell
has some interesting talks
lined up.
In May we travel
to Burma with Keith Loring,
news correspondent in Southeast Asia for thirty
In June we learn of the Ancient Sites
of Southeast Asia and their Conservation with Dr. William
Chapman. I’ve heard Bill speak and can guarantee that this will be an exceptional evening. In March he gave this talk at the Explorers’ Club in NYC.
In July we hike 100 miles through
two of Africa’s great game parks with Dr. John B. Hall and three other members of the Hawaiian
Trail and Mountain
In August I present a combination of a series of adventures in the wilderness areas of Hawaii.
This is a repeat of a program I gave at the Christmas meeting about fifteen
years ago.
Enclosed with this newsletter is a survey
and an addressed return
envelope. Please complete and return as an aid to the board as it works to guide the club in the future.
Thanks Bob Liljestrand,
MAY 21, 2015
Tyranny and Insurgency in Post-War Burma |
By Guest Keith Lorenz
Burma has known no peace
since the surrender of the Japanese armed forces
in 1945.
As a news correspondent in Southeast Asia
for thirty years,
Keith Lorenz has
maintained a special focus on Burma even though that country was essentially forgotten during
the long American intervention in the region. His first
visit to Rangoon was
in 1962 - one
month before
General Ne Win,
the president, blew up the
university student
center- and
the country
slid into
a backwater in which it remained until a few years ago.
From the 1960's
to the 1990's Mr. Lorenz made numerous trips into the insurgent held areas beyond
the Thai border. He will
show color images of the armed
resistance camps
of the Karen
and Mon National Liberation Armies, including refugees and village life
in these insecure liberated areas, and will provide
an overview of Burma in colonial times,
in- dependence, and
prospects for the future.
In addition to reporting on Southeast Asia for NBC News, Mutual
Broadcasting, VOA, the London Daily
Telegraph, San Francisco Chronicle and, after
the Vietnam war,
for UN Radio and
the New York
Journal of Commerce. Mr. Lo- renz initiated the Salween Liaison Office
in 1984 which, as a small
NGO, aims to provide humanitarian relief and polit- ical awareness of the plight
of the ethnic minorities in Burma.
He has resided primarily in Honolulu since
first coming here on a journalism fellowship at the East West
Center. Mr. Lorenz wrote
the text for a coffee
table-sized art book, published in 2013,
featuring forty
years work, mainly in Asia, by a National Geographic photographer. It may be glimpsed by going to: www.chesleyphotovoyage.com
6:00 pm
Pagoda Hotel—1525 Rycroft Street
The parking lot for the Pagoda
is on Rycroft Street. Park on the upper or lower level and
use the parking machine to pay $1 per hour.
Additional parking is in the ROSS building across the
street, also
$1 per hour.
by Tuesday, May 19 Late cancellations and no shows will be billed.
New Program:
JUNE 18, 2015—
"The Scariest Place in the World: Travels in North Korea and the Demilitarized Zone"
by Jeffrey Tripp, Ph.D.
North Korea is largely portrayed in Western media as the most
secretive and inaccessible nation on earth. While it does much to live up to
these depictions, the country maintains a small tourism industry, catering
primarily to Chinese tourists. During periods of détente, however, Western
tourists (including Americans), are permitted to travel to the North. Tour
companies based in Beijing with ties to the North’s tourism industry guide
Western tourists on highly restrictive trips to areas all over the country.
Although limited to a few thousand per year, the tourists provide much needed
hard currency for the North’s autocratic regime.
As part of the research for his doctoral dissertation on the
Korean DMZ, Dr. Tripp made two trips to the North. The first took him on a
weeklong tour that included sites in Pyongyang, Kaesong, and Myohyang Mountain.
During the first trip he witnessed two of the extraordinary mass gymnastics
performances, each featuring over 40,000 performers. On the second trip, Dr.
Tripp made a rare crossing of the DMZ from South to North as part of a tour
organized for South Korean tourists to visit Kaesong near the end of the
“Sunshine Policy” period of détente in 2008. He also made frequent trips to the
truce village of Panmunjom located within the DMZ, a place where Cold War
tensions have never abated. His talk will reveal the quirky, highly politicized,
and sometimes frightening nature of travel to North Korea and along the
Jeffrey Tripp is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the
Department of American Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mânoa, where he
earned his Ph.D. in 2010. He holds a Master’s Degree in Asian Studies from UHM
and graduate certificates in Korean Studies and Historic Preservation. His
research, teaching, and writing focuses primarily on US-East Asian relations and
America’s political and military world role. He held a fellowship at the Academy
for Korean Studies in 2008 and is currently at work on a book manuscript based
on his dissertation. He has traveled extensively in the Asian-Pacific region.
6:00 pm
Free parking in club lot:
Waialae Country Club,
4997 Kahala Avenue
7:30 pm
by Thursday, June 11
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed. |
JULY 16, 2015—Walking through
an account of an 11-day, 100-mile walk through two of Africa’s great game parks
In June, 2005, four members
of the Hawaiian Trail and Mountain Club traveled to Kenya to join a tour conducted by Iain Allen, of the adventure touring company, Tropical Ice.
This tour involved a conducted walk
from the western boundary of West Tsavo National Park to the eastern boundary of East Tsavo
National Park, a distance of about 100 miles, which took 11 days. Iain is the only person who has established a sufficiently good reputation with the manag- ers of these Parks
to be trusted to conduct people
on foot through
the area, something which
he had been doing
for about 25 years at this time.
The walks were done in the mornings, usually on a side of the river away from the jeep roads, and were followed by excellent meals, English
tea, and a game
drive to view
more animals from the Land
Rover in the
evenings. There were
close encounters with hippos,
elephants, lions, and wart hogs,
as well as seeing many other animals from
a greater distance. All
in all, an unparalleled adventure!
John B. Hall is an emeritus professor of Microbiology at the University of Hawai`i. He earned
his PhD in Biochem- istry from Cal Berkeley and taught
at UH Mānoa for 30 years,
retiring in 1992. His four sabbaticals overseas were spent in
Dunedin, New Zealand, Kathmandu,
Nepal, Ankara, Turkey, and,
after retirement, in Belize
City, Belize. The last three of these were
on Fulbright grants. Growing up in Denver gave him a love of the
mountains and the outdoors, and he has been a member of the Hawaiian Trail and Mountain Club for more than 50 years. Early
in his Hawaiian residency he developed an interest in native plants
and his book,
A Hiker's Guide
to Trailside Plants in
Hawai`i, is now in its 3rd
6:00 pm
Pagoda Hotel—1525 Rycroft Street
7:30 pm
by Tuesday, July 14
Late cancellations and no shows will be billed. |
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